We've already gotten into a groove here in Florida. I've been nannying a little boy during the day. Seth and I head over in the morning and play until the afternoon. It's crazy and fun.
I've also been getting really into meal planning, which is lame, but it's truly been an interest of mine lately. The nearest grocery store is 10 minutes from our house. It may not sound too far, but we're used to the store being 2 minutes from our house.
So, I've been diligently planning weekly dinners and doing a big shop every week. This is big for me, guys. I've always loved cooking but hated going grocery shopping. I'll share some meals from this week!
Oh, and I chopped all my hair off last night! I've been wanting to do it for aaaages and finally had it done. My stylist was incredible and hilarious. We chatted the whole time and I was legitimately cracking up at her stories. She toned my hair, on the house, and did exactly what I was hoping for. It was the first time I walked out of a salon feeling super stoked about my cut/color. haha this is sounding like a Yelp review. It's true, though!
Anyway, here are some snapshots of our life in Tampa :)
Okay, so I realize food pictures are kind of boring, but I'll share them anyway haha
Here are some meals from this week!
a super easy green thai chicken curry with jasmine rice
(I altered this one a bit and put in carrot, zucchini, and a bell pepper)
this delicious blt salad with avocado and poached egg on top
unbelievably easy mexican black bean pizza
I promise all these recipes are simple and cheap.
definitely worth a try!